Media är varmt välkomna när professor Andy Neely från universitetet i Cambridge håller två seminarier på Karlstads universitet 10 april.
Tid för frågor till Andy Neely: 12.30-13.00 i Andersalen
Kontakt: Bo Edvardsson, vicerektor, Karlstads universitet:
Läs vidare på engelska:
Professor Andy Neely is Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Enterprise and Business Relations at the University of Cambridge and former Head of the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM). He is a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College and Founding Director of the Cambridge Service Alliance. He is widely recognized for his work on the servitization of manufacturing, as well as his work on performance measurement and management. Andy Neely is also known for his experiences and digitalization.
Seminar 1, 09.00- 11.00, Andersalen, 11D 121, Karlstad University
The Digitalisation of Manufacturing: Implications for Strategy, Operations and Services
In the late 1960’s Wickham Skinner wrote his now classic article “Manufacturing – The Missing Link in Corporate Strategy”. In this seminar Andy Neely will ask how Wickham Skinner’s article would have changed if it were written today. It is clear that the style and nature of manufacturing is changing – servitization and digitalization are both having a profound impact on the way we conceptualise manufacturing. Using the manufacturing strategy framework, Andy will explore how the classic strategic decisions facing manufacturing firms have changed over the years.
Seminar 2, 13.00- 15.00 Andersalen, 11D 121, Karlstad University
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise: Lessons from Cambridge University
In this seminar Professor Andy Neely, Pro-Vice-Chancellor: Enterprise and Business Relations at the University of Cambridge will discuss Cambridge’s approach to innovation, entrepreneurship and enterprise. As Pro-Vice-Chancellor: Enterprise and Business Relations, Andy has overall responsibility at the University for innovation, commercialization, start-ups, spin outs and links with industry. He will use his knowledge and experience to describe the Cambridge innovation ecosystem, explain how it has supported a successful regional innovation cluster and offer some thoughts on what the future might hold.
Karlstads universitet präglas av utbildning och forskning av hög kvalitet i kombination med aktiv samverkan med det omgivande samhället. Universitetet har cirka 16 000 studerande och cirka 1 200 anställda.
Karlstads universitet präglas av utbildning och forskning av hög kvalitet i kombination med aktiv samverkan med det omgivande samhället. Universitetet har cirka 16 000 studerande och 1 200 anställda. Karlstads universitet - vi utmanar det etablerade och utforskar det okända.