2016-12-20 12:26Nyheter

CTF Newsletter no 6, 2016, from CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden


CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden, is one of the world´s leading research centers focusing on service management and value creation through service. We develop and conduct research projects in close collaboration with service businesses, manufacturing companies, and public-service providers. Our newsletter will keep you updated on our research activities.

We wish you Happy Holidays!

Less stress during Christmas shopping using a bracelet
Around Christmas time we become more and more stressed and affected by crowds and high volume in the stores. How can we make Christmas shopping less stressful? This is what a current research study at Karlstad University is investigating. Read more.

5,3 Million SEK for research on energy efficient commuting to work
Researchers at CTF have been granted 5.3 million SEK for research on energy-efficient commuting. The main financer of the project is the Swedish Energy Agency. Read more.

Changing the Servicescape
In a new doctoral thesis from CTF, Pernille K Andersson is investigating how the servicescape is changed by the influence of music, self-disclosure, and eye gaze on service encounter experience and approach avoidance behavior. Read more.

Ph D Student at CTF receives scholarship for studies abroad
Kotaiba Aal, PhD student at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, has been awarded the Hedelius scholarhip of SEK 100,000 to visit Texas State University, San Marcos, USA, where he will be working on his doctoral thesis. Read more.

One moment Lars Witell, Professor at CTF...
You just returned to Sweden after spending a couple of months in Australia, what did you do there? - I was a guest professor at University of Queensland Business School in Brisbane, Australia. Read more.

Margareta Friman in new expert group
Margareta Friman, Professor in Psychology at CTF, Service Research Center, is a member of the expert group for the a project that investigates how suitable planning could support multimodal connectivity in Norwegian urban regions. Read more.

Upcoming events
EMAC 2017 "Leaving Footprints" is held May 23-26 2017 at University of Groningen, The Neaderlands. Read more.

The 2017 QUIS Symposium is held in Porto, Portugal, June 12-15 2017. Read more.

The Frontiers in Service Conference 2017 will be held at Fordham Universiy, New York City. Read more.

CTF Newsletter is published bi-monthly. Please, email us if you wish to unsubscribe to this newsletter or if you wish to subscribe: ctfnews@kau.se

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