2016-11-15 10:20Nyheter

CTF Newsletter no 5, 2016, from CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden


CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden, is one of the world´s leading research centers focusing on service management and value creation through service. We develop and conduct research projects in close collaboration with service businesses, manufacturing companies, and public-service providers. Our newsletter will keep you updated on our research activities.

30 years celebration at CTF
Thirty years ago CTF, Service Research Center, was established at Karlstad University. How it happened, success factors and the latest from today’s research were included in the program when CTF held its anniversary celebration on October 6th at Karlstad University. Read more.

New research project on patient involvement in health care 
How is the work in health care affected by increased patient involvement? This is what researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, will sort out in a new research project which has received 3 million SEK from the Swedish Research Council Forte during three years. Read more.

Great recognition for research on difficult customers
Markus Fellesson, Associate Professor at CTF, and Nicklas Salomonson, Associate Professor at University of Borås, have received great attention and praise for their research on difficult customers. Read more.

Workshop on remote services in Swedish Industry
In October CTF organized a workshop in Karlstad with focus on remote services in the manufacturing industry. IT-based services within manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly common which open up for new ways to interact, but introducing new technology is also a challenge and many questions arise. Read more.

Dissertation in Psychology
On December 9th Ph D Student Pernille K Andersson will defend her doctoral thesis "Changing the Servicescape: The influence of music, self-disclosure and eye gaze on service encounter experience and approach-avoidance behavior". Read more.

QUIS Symposium in Porto, June 12-15 2017
The 2017 QUIS Symposium will be held in Porto, Portugal. Read more.

Frontiers in Service Conference 2017 in New York
Next Frontiers in Service Conference 2017 will be held at Fordham Universiy, New York City. Read more.

CTF Newsletter is published bi-monthly. Please, email us if you wish to unsubscribe to this newsletter or if you wish to subscribe: ctfnews@kau.se

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