CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden, is one of the world´s leading research centers focusing on service management and value creation through service. We develop and conduct research project in close collaboration with service businesses, manufacturing companies, and public-service providers. Our newsletter will keep you updated on our research activities.
Erik Wästlund new Associate Professor at Karlstad University
CTF researcher Erik Wästlund has been promoted to Associate Professor of Psychology at Karlstad University. In his research he focuses on decision-making and consumer behavior, and for his help he uses eye-tracking. Erik’s research has been recognized both nationally and internationally, for example the attention to his research on how we process text we read on paper vs screen in Scientific American. Read more.
New dissertation: The art of developing sustainable and attractive public transport based on user needs
With hopes to develop new innovations and increase the number of travelers the structures in Swedish local and regional public transport have changed in recent years. In a new licentiate thesis, Sara Davoudi, Ph. D student in Business Administration, studied the public transport authorities’ capacity to develop public transport in a way that will stimulate the intentions of the new Public Transport Act that came into effect in 2012. Sara looks at the problems and opportunities that exist in the different structures and how they may be relevant to the users. On March 11th, she presented her licentiate thesis “Innovative Value Creation in Public Transport” at an open seminar at Karlstad University. Read more.
One moment Anders Gustafsson…
Professor of Business Administration at CTF, Service Research Center, Karlstad University, April 27-29 was the second meeting of the international research network INSR, International Network of Service Researchers, here in Karlstad. How did it go? - It went fantastic! It was two very intense days with a lot of discussion on what is happening within service research and where the area of service is heading. Read more.
New book: Service Innovation
CTF Professors Anders Gustafsson, Per Kristensson and Lars Witell, are together with Professor Gary Schirr at Radford University, the authors behind the new book "Service Innovation”. Read more.
Samot Partner Conference 2016
On April 13-14 Samot, The Service and Market Oriented Transport Research Group at Karlstad University, arranged their annual partner conference. The program included availability, special transport and energy efficiency in public transport. Read more.
Margareta Friman on the editorial board of an international journal of psychology
Margareta Friman, Professor of Psychology at CTF, Service Research Center, Karlstad University will be assistant editor on the subject of environmental psychology in the journal “Frontiers in Psychology”. Read more.
Highly Commended Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence
The paper “Firm-brand community value co-creation as alignment of practices” by Per Skålen, CTF, Stefano Pace, Kedge Business School, and Bernard Cova, Kedge Business School, published in European Journal of Marketing (2015) Vol 49 3 E has been selected by the journal’s editorial team as a Highly Commended Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. The paper is available for free download until end of May 2016 at emeraldinsight.com
Nokia Award to CTF researchers
The researchers Lars E Olsson, Peter Magnusson and Alexandre Sukhov have been awarded the “Nokia Award for the Paper with the Best Technological Implications”. Read more.
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