2017-02-14 11:03Nyheter

CTF Newsletter no 1, 2017, from CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden


CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden, is one of the world´s leading research centers focusing on service management and value creation through service. We develop and conduct research projects in close collaboration with service businesses, manufacturing companies, and public-service providers. Our newsletter will keep you updated on our research activities.

Ph. D Students from Karlstad University best in Sweden om Cybersecurity
Ph. D students from Karlstad University took first place in the Cyber Challenge 2017. The competition was organized by Swedish Defense University’s Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies(CATS) and the Swedish Contingencies Agency (MSB). Read more.

Half-time for the project Service Design for Innovation
The EU-funded project Service Design for Innovation, SDIN, aims to build a research platform in service design and innovation through a European training network for early stage researchers. The project started in January 2015 and is now at the half-way point. Read more.

Social factors are influencing consumers to choose environmentally friendly offerings
Psychological factors are equally and sometimes more important than monetary incentives for people when it comes to changing their behavior.

– Yet, decision makers, marketing people and people in general seem to believe that economic motives are the most important, says Per Kristensson, Professor of Psychology at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University. Read more.

Research on children's school travels in the media
During the conference Transport Forum in Linköping, Ph. D student Jessica Westman was interviewed by Swedish Radio about her latest study on children’s travel habits. The study shows that an increasing number of parents drive their children to school by car, regardless of the distance. Read more.

Researchers develop cutting edge study programmes
International online-courses with strong links to the most successful research environments and tailor-made for professionals at work will be offered at Karlstad University thanks to a development project in conjunction with a number of leading companies and the support of the KK Foundation. Read more.

Upcoming events

  • EMAC 2017, May 23-26, 2017, University of Groningen, The Neaderlands. Read more.
  • The 2017 QUIS Symposium, June 12-15, 2017,  is held in Porto, Portugal. Read more.
  • The Frontiers in Service Conference 2017, June 22-25, 2017, New York City. Read more.

CTF Newsletter is published bi-monthly. Please, email us if you wish to unsubscribe to this newsletter or if you wish to subscribe: ctfnews@kau.se

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